"Relationships are the soil we want our youth planted in."

- Dr. Adrian van Breda

Our Purpose

Paths of Hope was created to provide the opportunity for orphans and vulnerable children to thrive spiritually, emotionally and vocationally when they leave residential care.  We seek to provide the support and connections necessary for these young people to be a part of a community and receive care throughout their formative young adult years. 

Life skills training, help with further education and job training are the three pillars of Paths of Hope. Through partnerships with local churches, we have created a mentoring program that utilizes volunteers. Our goal, using these three pillars, is for Peruvian young people to be guided and supported to discover and pursue the purposes of God for their lives.

Our People

Billy and Kate Greenman had their first experience in Peru during the summer of 2001 on a short-term mission trip to work with a children’s home for abandoned and at-risk youth. On that 3-week trip, a seed was planted in their hearts for Peru. Over the next few years, they both studied Spanish and continued to serve in Peru. In 2008, Billy graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University and Kate from Alma College. They spent that summer volunteering as translators and leading volunteer work teams.

After 10 years of short-term volunteering, they both had a calling to work full-time with orphans and vulnerable children. Over the past decade, they have assisted in coordinating and hosting short term mission groups, mentoring young men, overseeing the day-to-day operation of six children’s homes and working to improve care for orphans and vulnerable children in Peru.

After seeing how past relationships affected many of young men in orphan care, Billy returned to school to pursue a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Wheaton College.

Billy and Kate have a vision for partnering with the local church to equip mentors who will develop long-term relationships and walk alongside vulnerable children and at-risk youth—especially as they transition toward adulthood.

Billy and Kate Greenman are serving with Paths of Hope in Peru as support-raised missionaries through United World Mission.

To learn more about Billy and Kate, check out their blog Twelve Degrees South.

Jocabeth Oscategui was born and raised in the city of Cerro de Pasco, located in central Peru. She graduated from the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University with a degree in Administration. After working in Cerro de Pasco for a few years, she moved to Lima and has continued her professional development. She has worked in social and educational development, with a focus on human rights in both the public and private sectors. She has worked to help others gain access to opportunities and worked as a mentor/guide to help children, adolescents and young people develop life skills and competencies.

Each of these experiences brought Jocabeth challenges and joy, as well as recognizing the need to continue learning to be able to serve others well. She continued her studies at the Ricardo Palma University (Lima), studying Psychopedagogy and received a diploma in Family Orientation and Promotion at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima).

Linda Gamero graduated with an education degree in biology and chemistry in 1974. She worked for the Peruvian government in various capacities for 30 years - as a high school biology teacher, the national director of an adult literacy program and as the director of a public school that covered elementary, high school and adult learning night classes.

Linda met the Lord in 1970. Since then, she has served in many capacities; Sunday school teacher, deacon and leader in the youth ministry, marriage ministry and prayer ministry.

Prior to joining Paths of Hope, Linda developed her leadership skills during her 40 years working with Scripture Union Peru, spending time as a volunteer, director of the Schools and Camping ministry and as a member of the Board of Directors.

Linda also serves as the president of the Board of Directors for Kids Alive – Peru.

Our Partnerships

We are excited to work with Mesa Global in its efforts to engage in holistic ministry by partnering with the church globally.

We partner with Health Bridges International, an NGO with more than 20 years of experience in Peru, on the Comunidad Girasoles Program.

We partner with Trauma Free World as certified trainers for of the Trauma Competent Caregiver curriculum.

We are a founding member of the Perú por los Niños network - a network of organizations and children’s homes in Peru who are working towards every child having a family.

Board of Directors

  • Susan Smith, Founder and President

  • Angela Howard, Secretary

  • Deborah Basie, Treasurer

  • Ann Bowen

  • Nate Drake

  • Brian Meagher